From Madagascar With Love
C'est après plusieurs semaines passées à Madagascar que je reviens avec un nouvel article.
Il y a tellement de choses à dire sur mon voyage que je ne sais par où commencer. Des paysages fabuleux, une nourriture savoureuse, des nouvelles rencontres, des moments inoubliables passés avec ma famille, Madagascar a bien su me faire rêver et a été au-delà de mes attentes.
Voici quelques clichés pris durant ce séjour. Ce sont là de bien modestes clichés et j'aurais aimé prendre plus de photos à Tana, notamment des marchés, mais sécurité exige, j'ai donc préféré évité de sortir mon appareil photo là-bas.
Par ordre: Antananarivo, la capitale de Madagascar, suivi de photographies du village de Feramanga, situé dans la commune d'Aloatra-Mangoro (plus au Nord Est de Tana) et on finit sur la ville de Foulpointe, commune située en bord de mer et véritable coin de paradis.
I am back with a new article after a few weeks spent in Madagascar.
There is so much to say about this trip I don't know where to start. Wonderful landscapes, savory food, new meetings, unforgettable moments spent with my family, Madagascar was a dream and beyond my expectations.
Here are a few pictures took during this trip. Those are modest pictures and I wish I took more of Antananarivo, especially of local markets, but with the lack of security I chose not to bring out my camera there.
In order: Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar, followed by pictures of the Feramanga village, situated in the Aloatra-Mangoro district (in the North East of Antananarivo) and it ends with the city of Foulpointe, small town situated on the waterfront and such a little paradise.
I am back with a new article after a few weeks spent in Madagascar.
There is so much to say about this trip I don't know where to start. Wonderful landscapes, savory food, new meetings, unforgettable moments spent with my family, Madagascar was a dream and beyond my expectations.
Here are a few pictures took during this trip. Those are modest pictures and I wish I took more of Antananarivo, especially of local markets, but with the lack of security I chose not to bring out my camera there.
In order: Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar, followed by pictures of the Feramanga village, situated in the Aloatra-Mangoro district (in the North East of Antananarivo) and it ends with the city of Foulpointe, small town situated on the waterfront and such a little paradise.
Construction d'une nouvelle route menant à l'aéroport d'Ivato / Building of a new road to the Ivato Airport |
Ce que l'on peut trouver sur le Marché Artisanal malgache de la route Digue / What we find in the Malagasy Artesanal Arts in Route Digue |
Ancienne gare d'Antananarivo transformée en restaurant et boutiques / Old train station transformed into a restaurant and shops |
Café de la Gare |
En haut à gauche se trouve le Palais de la Reine, Rova, et à sa droite celui du Premier Ministre / At the top left corner is the Rova, formerly the royalty Palace and at its right the Prime Minister Palace |
Tana de nuit, magnifique! / Tana by night, wonderful! |
L'un des meilleurs restaurants de la capitale / One of the best restaurants of the capital |
Henakisoa sy voanjobory, l'un des plats typiques malgaches / Henakisoa sy voanjobory, a typical Malagasy dish |
Ecole primaire du village de Feramanga / Feramanga primary school |
Le tonta: tas d'épis de riz / Tonta: bundles of rice in pile |
Mes petites cousines ne sont-elles pas trop mignonnes? / Aren't my little cousins so cute? |
Connaissez-vous ces fruits / Do you know what these fruits are? |
Des palmiers à perte de vue / Parlm trees as far as our eyes can see |
Pousse pousse dans la ville de Tamatave / Rickshaw in Tamatave |
La sublime plage de Foulpointe / The magnificient Foulpointe beach |
Voici une vue à couper le souffle / This is a breathtaking sight |
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